New feature: Statistics

You’ll notice that front and centre on the Cloud Profiler dashboard are your statistics, which enable you to track your sales performance and gain insights into industries and customer types to target. With the data you obtain from Cloud Profiler, you can make smarter decisions based on evidence.

The headline statistic that is the most important is our ‘doughnut’ or (for our friends across the Atlantic) ‘donut’ graph, which shows you a breakdown of all the assessments you have taken and set a final status against it – ‘won’ ‘lost’ or ‘not proceeding’.

Although it would be great if you won every customer you assessed, it’s still important to update customers with ‘lost’ and ‘not proceeding’ as it will give you insights as to your most successful pitches, so you can get that lightest part of the doughnut as big as possible!

The other important statistics on the right hand side are

Deals to be closed – how many assessments you haven’t set an status against, to remind you to follow up on your leads
New customers this month – shows you at a glance how many new customers you’ve added in the last 30 days
Total users – the total number of seats that you have assessed for across all time

We’re always thinking about new ways to show the most important information for you; and if you have any suggestions, don’t hesitate to get in touch, either by email or on Twitter.

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